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RM Series

Industrial Printers Built to Last

The RM Series of printers were designed from the ground up to be reliable, fast and easy to operate.  Our top of the line machine, the RMC-30X gives you unmatched flexibility with the combination of filament and pellet printing in one machine.  You can print fine detail with the .6 mm filament nozzle or high volume with the 5.0mm pellet nozzle. Pellet extrusion technology allows for economical production of large models in engineering grade materials.  We intend to be the best in the industry through better mechanical design, better components and better software, to combine for a profitable ownership experience. With machine prices starting at $155,000 we are sure to have the right solution for you.

Customization available.

Our standard models are based on market feedback but we are open to any combination of features to meet your needs.  Our background is in custom machine design, so if you have a specification that isn't met by our standard offerings, please contact us.  We look forward to working with you on a solution.

Yaskawa Motion Control

The brains of any machine is the control system and we are proud to be using one of the best brands in the Industry.  Yaskawa motion controls are used by some of the largest machine tool producers in the world.

Direct Coupled Ball Screws

Precision rolled ball screws are coupled with zero backlash couplings for direct movement translation.

Profiled Linear Rails

All axis ride on profiled linear rail for precision, stability and speed.

Servo Motors

Every axis on the RM has encoder feedback position servos, including the print heads.  This gives you power, control and reliability that just isn't possible with stepper or hybrid systems.

Semi-Monocoque Welded Steel Frame

Print fast through the entire Z travel.  Superior rigidity and stability throughout every mm of travel.

Fabricated Rigid Heated Bed

Only 4 screws needed to adjust level. Set it and forget it. Bed capable of 150 degrees Celsius.

Built in Casters, Leveling Pads, Forkpockets, and Lift Lug Mounts

Our machine is easy to move, easy to level and easy to relocate. Put the machine where you want to, easily.

Dual Extruders

Dual print heads of either FFF or FGF technology give you the ability to print in dual color or with a support material. The active extruder head moves down when printing, keeping the other nozzle safely out of the way.

MHZ 2.0 Extruder

Servo driven, liquid cooled, 320 watts of heating power, dual pinch drive.  Highest flow rate in the industry. Nozzles are available from .6 to 2.0mm and are clamped in position, not screwed in. There is no joint in the heat zone so they cannot leak. They can be swapped when extruders are cold for a safer exchange.

Dyze Pulsar Pellet Extruder

Servo driven, liquid cooled, 750 watts of heating power, integrated pellet sensor and hopper. Tungsten Carbide nozzles in 1mm, 3mm and 5mm with anti-ooze technology.

Space Saver

Designed to be against the wall, all functions of the machine are accessed from 3 sides. This results in a reduction of required floor space, especially for a machine of this build volume.

Monitor, Keyboard and Mouse

Ergonomic control of the machine is made possible with a large monitor, full size keyboard and a mouse all conveniently mounted on an articulated height adjustable arm.

Windows 10 PC on board

You can run Simplify3D or the slicer of your choice right at the machine. It makes testing, set up and running much quicker and more efficient. WiFi and Ethernet connectivity built in.

HMI Interface

Custom software developed specifically for Compound Dynamics makes this machine easy to operate.

Slicing Software

Simplify3D is included and we have a custom profile to make setting up a job quick and easy.  You can also configure any other slicer of your choosing.

LED Interior Lighting

Well lit interior provides for excellent visibility of the print process.



We can customize any of our standard offerings to meet your specific needs, or develop something completely different.  2 cubic meters?  Dual Pellet extruders? No problem.  Contact us today.



The RM-30 series are large powerful machines. meant for really big jobs.  We have recognized the need for a more compact machine in a more economical price range.  So we are currently designing a printer to fill that niche.  We expect to unveil it in early 2021.  Stay tuned!

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If you are interested in learning more about the RM series and what it can do for you, we would love to hear from you.

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